Books and Edited Book Chapters
Torday JS, Rehan VK. Evolution, the Logic of Biology. Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.
Natterson-Horowitz, B. and Bowers, K. (2012) Zoobiquity: What Animals Can Teach Us About Health and the Science of Healing. NY: Knopf.
Blaisdell, A. P., and Waldmann, M. R. (2012) Rational rats: Causal inference and representation. In E. A. Wasserman and T. R. Zentall (Eds.), Handbook of Comparative Cognition (pp. 175-198). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barrett, H.C. (2012) Evolutionary psychology. In Frankish, K., & Ramsey, W.M. The Cambridge handbook of cognitive science. (pp. 257-274). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Torday, J. S., and Rehan, V. K. (2012) Evolutionary Biology: Cell-Cell Communication, and Complex Disease. NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
Barrett, H.C. (2009) Where there is an adaptation, there is a domain: The form-function fit in information processing. In Platek, S.M. & Shackelford, T.K. (eds.). Foundations in evolutionary cognitive neuroscience (pp. 97-116). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Blaisdell, A. P. (2009) The role of associative processes in spatial, temporal, and causal cognition. (pp. 153-172). In Watanabe, S., Blaisdell, A. P., Huber, L., and Young, A. (Eds.), Rational animals, irrational humans, Tokyo, Japan: Keio University.
Barrett, H.C. (2008). Evolved cognitive mechanisms and human behavior. In Crawford, C. & Krebs, D. (eds.) Foundations of evolutionary psychology: Ideas, issues, applications and findings. (2nd Ed.) Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.
Smith, T. B., and Grether, G. (2008) The importance of conserving evolutionary processes. Pages 85-98. In S. P. Carroll and C.W. Fox (Eds.). Conservation Biology: Evolution in Action. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Shaner, A., Miller, G., and Mintz, J. (2008) Mental disorders as catastrophic failures of mating intelligence in Mating Intelligence: Sex, Relationships, and the Mind’s Reproductive System, Pages 193 – 223.
Blaisdell, A. P. (2008) Cognitive dimension of operant learning. (pp 173-195). In H.L. Roediger, III (Ed.), Cognitive Psychology of Memory. Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J.Byrne Editor). Oxford: Elsevier.
Barrett, H.C. (2007). Development as the target of evolution: A computational approach to developmental systems. In: Gangestad, S., and Simpson, J., eds. The Evolution of Mind: Fundamental Questions and Controversies. (pp. 186-192). New York: Guilford.
Savage, V. M., and West, G. B. (2006). Biological scaling and physiological time: Biomedical applications. Complex System Science in Biomedicine. Ed. T. S. Deisboeck and J. Y. Kresh, NY: Kluwer Academic.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Chafin C, De Falco D, Torday JS. A timeless biology. Prog
Biophys Mol Biol. 2017 Dec 9.
Torday JS. What We Talk About When We Talk About Evolution. Cell Commun
Insights. 2015;7:1-15.
Torday JS. From cholesterol to consciousness. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2017 Aug 19.
Torday JS, Miller WB Jr. The resolution of ambiguity as the basis for life: A
cellular bridge between Western reductionism and Eastern holism. Prog Biophys Mol
Biol. 2017 Dec;131:288-297.
Torday JS, Nielsen HC. The Molecular Apgar Score: A Key to Unlocking
Evolutionary Principles. Front Pediatr. 2017 Mar 20;5:45.
Torday JS, Miller WB Jr. A systems approach to physiologic evolution: From
micelles to consciousness. J Cell Physiol. 2018 Jan;233(1):162-167.
Miller WB Jr, Torday JS. A systematic approach to cancer: evolution beyond
selection. Clin Transl Med. 2017 Dec;6(1):2.
Torday JS. Commentary on “What is the identity of fibroblast pneumocyte factor
(FPF)?” Pediatr Res. 2017 Feb;81(2):391.
Torday JS, Miller WB Jr. Life is determined by its environment. Int. J.
Astrobiology. 2016 Oct;15(4):345-350.
Torday JS. The Emergence of Physiology and Form: Natural Selection Revisited.
Biology (Basel). 2016 Apr 1;5(2).
Torday JS, Miller WB. Phenotype as Agent for Epigenetic Inheritance. Biology
(Basel). 2016 Jul 8;5(3).
Torday JS, Miller WB. The Unicellular State as a Point Source in a Quantum
Biological System. Biology (Basel). 2016 May 27;5(2).
Torday JS, Miller WB Jr. On the Evolution of the Mammalian Brain. Front Syst
Neurosci. 2016 Apr 19;10:31.
Torday JS. The Cell as the First Niche Construction. Biology (Basel). 2016
Apr 28;5(2).
Torday JS. Life Is Simple-Biologic Complexity Is an Epiphenomenon. Biology
(Basel). 2016 Apr 27;5(2).
Torday JS, Miller WB Jr. Biologic relativity: Who is the observer and what is
observed? Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2016 May;121(1):29-34.
Torday JS, Miller WB Jr. Biologic relativity: Who is the observer and what is
observed? Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2016 May;121(1):29-34.
Torday JS, Rehan VK. On the evolution of the pulmonary alveolar
lipofibroblast. Exp Cell Res. 2016 Jan 15;340(2):215-9.
Torday JS. Your Inner Thoreau. Minding Nature Volume 9, Issue 2, May, 2016
Torday JS. Heterochrony as Diachronically Modified Cell-Cell Interactions.Biology (Basel). 2016 Jan 14;5(1). pii: E4. doi: 10.3390/biology5010004. [link]
Torday JS. A Central Theory of Biology. Med Hypotheses 85: 49-57, 2015.
Torday JS, Miller WB. Man is Integral with Nature. Minding Nature. January, 2015.
Rehan VK, Torday JS. The lung alveolar lipofibroblast: an evolutionary strategy against neonatal hyperoxic lung injury. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 Nov 1;21(13):1893-904.
Torday JS. The Ever-Transcendent Cell. The Scientist. November 1, 2014.
Torday JS. On the evolution of development. Trends Dev Biol. 2014;8:17-37.Torday JS. Evolution and Cell Physiology. 1. Cell signaling is all of biology.Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2013 Oct 1;305(7):C682-9.
Torday JS, Insel PA. AJP-Cell Physiology begins a Theme series on Evolution and Cell Physiology. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2013 Oct 1;305(7):C681.
Torday JS. Evolutionary biology redux. Perspect Biol Med. 2013 Autumn;56(4):455-84.
Torday JS, Rehan VK. Cellular-Evolutionary Principles Underlie Gottlieb’s Probabilistic Epigenesis Metatheory. Internatl J Dev Sci. (in press)
Savage, V. M., Herman, A. B., West, G. B., and Leu, K. Using fractal geometry and universal growth curves as diagnostics for comparing tumor vasculature and metabolic rate with healthy tissue and for predicting response to drug therapy. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B (DCDS-B), in press.
Johnson, M. G., Ennis, D., and Savage, V. M. Quantifying statistical self similarity in human vessel networks using data extracted automatically from MRI, in preparation.
J.S.Torday and V.K.Rehan. An Epigenetic ‘Smoking Gun’ for Reproductive Inheritance. Expert Rev. Obstet. Gynecol. 8, xxx-yyy, 2013.
Liu J, Naeem E, Tian J, Lombardi V, Kwong K, Akbari O, Torday JS, Rehan VK.Sex-specific perinatal nicotine-induced asthma in rat offspring. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2013 Jan;48(1):53-62. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2011-0344OC. Epub 2012 Sep 20. PubMed PMID: 23002101. link
Rehan VK, Torday JS. PPARγ Signaling Mediates the Evolution, Development, Homeostasis, and Repair of the Lung. PPAR Res. 2012;2012:289867. doi:10.1155/2012/289867. Epub 2012 Jun 26. PubMed PMID: 22792087; PubMed Central PMCID:
Rehan VK, Liu J, Naeem E, Tian J, Sakurai R, Kwong K, Akbari O, Torday JS. Perinatal nicotine exposure induces asthma in second generation offspring. BMC Med. 2012 Oct 30;10(1):129. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23106849. link
Ryan, K. M., Blumstein, D. T., Blaisdell, A. P., and Stahlman, W. D. (2012). Stimulus concordance and risk-assessment in hermit crabs (Coenobita clypeatus): Implications for attention. Behavioural Processes 91(1):26-29. link
Bryant, G.A., Liénard, P., and Barrett, H.C. (2012). Recognizing infant-directed speech across distant cultures: Evidence from Africa. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 10(2):47–59. link
Blumstein, D.T., Bryant, G.A., and Kaye, P. (2012) The sound of arousal in music is context dependent. Biology Letters 8:744-747. link
Karesh, W. B., Dobson, A. P., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., Lubroth, J., Dixon, M. A., Bennett, M., Aldrich, S., Harrington, T., Loh, E., Machalaba, C., Thomas, M. J., and Heymann, D. L. (2012) The ecology of zoonoses: their natural and unnatural histories. The Lancet. In press.
Fuller, T., Bensch, S., Müller, I., Novembre, J., Pérez-Tris, J., Ricklefs, R. E., Smith, T. B., and Waldenström, J. (2012) The ecology of emerging infectious diseases in migratory birds: an assessment of the role of climate change and priorities for future research. EcoHealth 9(1):80-88. link
Ankowski, A., Thom, E., Sandhofer, C., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2012) Spatial language and children’s spatial landmark use. Child Development Research Vol. 2012, Article ID 427364, 14 pages. doi: 10.1155/2012/427364. link.
Barrett, H.C., Stich, S., and Laurence, S. (2012) Should the study of Homo sapiens be part of cognitive science? Topics in Cognitive Science 4(3):379–386. link
Watanabe, N. M., Stahlman, W. D., Blaisdell, A. P., Garlick, D., Fast, C. D., and Blumstein, D. T. (2012) Quantifying personality in the terrestrial hermit crab: Different measures, different inferences. Behavioural Processes 91(2):133-140. link
Barrett, H.C., and Broesch, J. (2012) Prepared social learning about dangerous animals in children. Evolution and Human Behavior 33(5):499-508. link
Nonacs, P., and Kapheim, K. M. (2012) Modeling Disease Evolution with Multilevel Selection: HIV as a Quasispecies Social Genome. Journal of Evolutionary Medicine 1:1-13.
Loverdo, C., Park, M., Schreiber, S. J., and Lloyd-Smith, J. O. (2012) Influence of viral replication mechanisms on within-host evolutionary dynamics. Evolution 66(11):3462-3471. link
Loiseau, C., Harrigan, R. J., Robert, A., Bowie, R. C. K., Thomassen, H. A., Smith, T. B., and Sehgan, R. N. M. (2012) Host and habitat specialization of avian malaria in Africa. Molecular Ecology 21(2):431-441. link
Biedermann, T., Garlick, D., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2012) Food choice in the laboratory pigeon. Behavioural Processes 91(1):129-132. link
Ke, R. and Lloyd-Smith, J. O. (2012) Evolutionary analysis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 therapies based on conditionally replicating vectors. PLoS Computational Biology 8:e1002744. link
Chen, A., Ng, F., Lebestky, T., Grygoruk, A., Djapri, C., Lawal, H. O., Zaveri, H., Mehanzel, F., Najibi, R., Seidman, G., Murphy, N., Kelly, R. L., Ackerson, L. C., Maidment, N. T., Jackson, F .R., and Krantz, D .E. (2012) Dispensable, redundant, complementary and cooperative roles of dopamine, octopamine and serotonin in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics [Epub ahead of print] link
Simon, A. F., Chou, M. T., Salazar, E. D., Nicholson, T., Saini, N., Metchev, S., and Krantz, D. E. (2012) A simple assay to study social behavior in Drosophila: measurement of social space within a group. Genes Brain Behav 11(2):243-52. link
Shafir, S. C., Fuller, T., Smith, T. B., and Rimoin, A. W. (2012) A national study of individuals who handle migratory birds for evidence of avian and swine influenza virus infections. Journal of Clinical Virology 54(4):364-7. link
Barrett, H.C. (2012) A hierarchical model of the evolution of human brain specializations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(Supp 1):10733–40. link
Torday JS, Rehan VK. A cell-molecular approach predicts vertebrate evolution. Mol Biol Evol. 2011 Nov;28(11):2973-81. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msr134. Epub 2011 May 18. PubMed PMID: 21593047; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3199438. link
Herman, A. B., Savage, V. M., and West, G. B. (2011) A quantitative theory for tumor growth and vascularization, Public Library of Science (PLoS) One 6(9):e22973.
Fuller, T. H., Thomassen, A., Mulembakani, P. M., Johnston, S. C., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., Kisalu, N. K., Lutete, T. K., Blumberg, S., Fair, J. N. , Wolfe, N. D., Shongo, R. L., Formenty, P., Meyer, H., Wright, L. L., Muyembe, J.-J., Buermann, W., Saatchi, S. S., Okitolonda, E., Hensley, L., Smith, T. B., and Rimoin, A. W.. (2011) Using remote sensing to map the risk of human monkeypox virus in the Congo Basin. EcoHealth 8(1):14-25. link
Scelza B. A. (2011) The place of proximity: Social support in mother-adult daughter relationships. Human Nature 22(1-2):108-127. link
Stahlman, W. D., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2011) The modulation of operant variation by the probability, magnitude, and delay of reinforcement. Learning and Motivation 42(3):221-226. link
Blaisdell, A. P., and Weiss, S. J. (2011) The interface between learning and cognition: The 2010 Winter Conference on Animal Learning and Behavior Focus Session. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 24:307-314. link
Sehgal, R. N. M., Buermann, W., Harrigan, R. J., Bonneaud, C., Loiseau, C., Chaser, A., Sepil, I., Valki_nas, G., Iezhova, T., Saatchi, S. and Smith, T. B. (2011) Spatially explicit predictions of blood parasites in a widely distributed African rainforest bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 278:1025-1033. link
Stahlman, W. D., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2011) Reward probability and the variability of foraging behavior in rats. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 24:168-176. link
Fast, C. D., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2011) Rats are sensitive to ambiguity. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 18(6):1230-1237. link
Curd, E., Pollinger J., Toffelmier, E., and Smith, T. B. (2011) Rapid influenza A detection and quantification in birds using a one-step real-time reverse transcriptase PCR and high resolution melting. Journal of Virological Methods 176(1-2):125-130. link
Fleischman, D.S. and Fessler, D.M.T. (2011) Progesterone’s effects on the psychology of disease avoidance: Support for the Compensatory Behavioral Prophylaxis Hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior 59(2):271-275. link
Racey, D., Young, M. E., Garlick, D., Pham, J. N-M., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2011) Pigeon and human performance in a multi-armed bandit task in response to changes in variable interval schedules. Learning & Behavior 39(3):245-258. link
Njabo, K. Y., Fuller, T. L., Chaser, A., Pollinger, J. P., Cattoli, G., Terregino, C., Monne, I., Reynes, J-M., Njouom, R., and Smith, T. B. (2011) Pandemic A/H1N1/2009 influenza virus in swine, Cameroon, 2010. Veterinary Microbiology 156(1-2):189-192. link
Njabo, K.Y., Cornel, A. J., Bonneaud, C., Toffelmier, E., Sehgal, R. N. M., Valki_nas, G., Russell, A. F., and Smith, T. B. (2011) Nonspecific patterns of vector, host and avian malaria parasite associations in a Central African rainforest. Molecular Ecology 20(5):1049-1061. link
Iezhova, T. A., Dodge, M., Sehgal, R. N. M., Smith, T. B., and Valki_nas, G. (2011) New avian Haemoproteus species (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) from African birds, with a critique of the use of host taxonomic information in hemoproteid classification. Journal of Parasitology 97(4):682-694. link
Thomassen, H. A., Fuller, T., Buermann, W., Milá, B., Kieswetter, C. M., Jarrín-V., P., Cameron, S. E., Mason, E., Schweizer, R., Schlunegger, J., Chan, J., Wang, O., Peralvo, M., Schneider, C. J., Graham, C. H., Pollinger, J. P., Saatchi, S., Wayne, R. K., and Smith, T. B. (2011) Mapping evolutionary process: a multi-taxa approach to conservation prioritization. Evolutionary Applications 4(2):397-413. link
Hendry, A. P., Kinnison, M. T., Heino, M., Day, T., Smith, T. B., Fitt, G., Bergstrom, C., Oakeshott, J., Jørgensen, P. S., Zalucki, M., Southerton, S., Sih, A., Denison, R. F., and Carroll, S. P. (2011) Evolutionary principles and their practical application. Evolutionary Applications 4(2):159-183. link
Metzger, V., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., and Weinberger, L. S. (2011) Autonomous targeting of infectious superspreaders using engineered transmissible therapies. PLoS Computational Biology 7:e1002015. link
Stahlman, W. D., Chan, A. Y-H., Blumstein, D. T., Fast, C. D., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2011) Auditory stimulation dishabituates anti-predator escape behavior in hermit crabs (Coenobita clypeatus). Behavioural Processes 88(1):7-11. link
Garlick, D., Gant, D. J., Brakel, L. A. W., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2011) Attributional and relational processing in pigeons. Frontiers in Comparative Psychology 2:14. link
Brooks, E. S., Greer, C. L., Romero-Calderón, R., Serway, C. N., Grygoruk, A., Haimovitz, J. M., Nguyen, B. T., Najibi, R., Tabone, C. J., de Belle, J. S., and Krantz, D. E. (2011) A putative vesicular transporter expressed in Drosophila mushroom bodies that mediates sexual behavior may define a neurotransmitter system. Neuron 72(2):316-29. link
Torday JS, Powell FL, Farmer CG, Orgeig S, Nielsen HC, Hall AJ. Leptin integrates vertebrate evolution: from oxygen to the blood-gas barrier. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2010 Aug 31;173 Suppl:S37-42. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2010.01.007. Epub 2010 Jan 21. Review. PubMed PMID: 20096383. link
Kolokotrones, T., Savage, V. M., Deeds, E. J., and Fontana W. (2010) Cuvature in metabolic scaling. Nature 464:753-756. link
Grygoruk, A., Fei, H., Daniels, R. W., Miller, B. R., Chen, A., DiAntonio, A., and Krantz, D. E. (2010) Vesicular neurotransmitter transporter trafficking in vivo: moving from cells to flies. Fly (Austin) 4(4):302-5. link
Lawal, H. O., Chang, H. Y., Terrell, A. N., Brooks, E. S., Pulido, D., Simon, A. F., Krantz, D. E. (2010) The Drosophila vesicular monoamine transporter reduces pesticide-induced loss of dopaminergic neurons. Neurobiol Dis 40(1):102-12. link
Volkov, I., Pepin, K., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., Banavar, J., and Grenfell, B. (2010) Synthesizing within-host and population level selective pressures on viral populations: the impact of adaptive immunity on viral immune escape. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7(50):1311-1318. link
Loiseau, C., Iezhova, T., Valki_nas, G., Chasar, A., Hutchinson, A., Buermann, W., Smith, T. B., and Sehgal, R. N. M. (2010) Spatial variation of haemosporidian parasite infection in African rainforest bird species. Journal of Parasitology 96(1):21-29. link
Thomassen, H. A., Cheviron, Z. A., Freedman, A. H., Harrigan, R. J., Wayne, R. K., and Smith, T. B. (2010) Spatial modeling and landscape-level approaches for visualizing intra-specific variation. Molecular Ecology 19(17):3532-3548. link
Stahlman, W. D., Young, M. E., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2010) Response variability in pigeons in a Pavlovian task. Learning & Behavior 38(2):111-118. link
Bahadorani, S., Cho, J., Lo, T., Contreras, H., Lawal, H. O., Krantz, D. E., Bradley, T. J., and Walker, D. W. (2010) Neuronal expression of a single-subunit yeast NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Ndi1) extends Drosophila lifespan. Aging Cell 9(2):191-202. link
Fei, H., Chow, D. M., Chen, A., Romero-Calderón, R., Ong, W. S., Ackerson, L. C., Maidment, N. T., Simpson, J. H., Frye, M. A., and Krantz, D. E. (2010) Mutation of the Drosophila vesicular GABA transporter disrupts visual figure detection. J Exp Biol 213(Pt 10):1717-30. link
Fuller, T., Saatchi, S., Curd, E. E., Toffelmier, E., Thomassen, H., Buermann, W., DeSante, D. F., Nott, M. P., Saracco, J. F., Ralph, C. J., Alexander, J. D., Pollinger, J. P., and Smith, T. B. (2010) Mapping the risk of avian influenza in wild birds in the U.S. BMC Infectious Diseases 10:187. link
Rimoin A. W., Mulembakani, P. M., Johnston, S., Lloyd-Smith, J. O., Kisalu, N. K., Lutete, T. K., Blumberg, S., Thomassen, H. A., Pike, B. L., Fair, J. N., Wolfe, N. D., Shongo, R. L., Graham, B. S., Formenty, P., Okitolonda, E., Hensley, L., Meyer, H., Wright, L. L., and Muyembe, J.-J. (2010) Major increase in human monkeypox incidence 30 years after smallpox vaccination campaigns cease in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:16262-16267. link
Chan, A. Y-H., Stahlman, W. D., Garlick, D., Fast, C. D., Blumstein, D. T., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2010) Increased amplitude and duration of acoustic stimuli enhance distraction. Animal Behaviour 80:1075-1079. link
Pepin, K. M., Lass, S., Pulliam, J. R. C., Read, A. F., and Lloyd-Smith, J. O. (2010) Identifying genetic markers for surveillance of viral host jumps. Nature Reviews Microbiology 8:802-813. link
Iezhova, T. A., Valki_nas, G., Loiseau, C., Smith, T. B., and Sehgal, R. N. M. (2010) Haemoproteus cyanomitrae sp. nov. (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae) from a widespread African songbird, the olive sunbird, Cyanomitra olivacea. Journal of Parasitology 96(1):137-143. link
Cheli, V. T., Daniels, R. W., Godoy, R., Hoyle, D. J., Kandachar, V., Starcevic, M., Martinez-Agosto, J. A., Poole, S., DiAntonio, A., Lloyd, V. K., Chang, H. C., Krantz, D. E., and Dell’Angelica, E. C. (2010) Genetic modifiers of abnormal organelle biogenesis in a Drosophila model of BLOC-1 deficiency. Hum Mol Gene 19(5):861-78. link
Sklansky, M., Renner, M., Clough, P., Levine, G., Campbell, M., Stone, R., Schmitt, T., Chang, R., and Shannon-Rodriquez, J. (2010) Fetal echocardiographic evaluation of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). J Zoo Wildlife Med 41(1):35-43. link
Stahlman, W. D., Roberts, S., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2010) Effect of reward probability on spatial and temporal variation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 36(1):77-91. link
Harrigan, R. J., Thomassen, H. A., Buermann, W., Cummings, R. F., Kahn, M. E., and Smith, T. B. (2010) Economic conditions predict prevalence of West Nile virus. PLoS ONE 5: e15437. link
Cosmides, L., Barrett, H.C., and Tooby, J. (2010) Adaptive specializations, social exchange, and the evolution of human intelligence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 9007-9014. link
Grygoruk, A., Fei, H., Daniels, R. W., Miller, B. R., Diantonio, A., and Krantz, D. E. (2010) A tyrosine-based motif localizes a Drosophila vesicular transporter to synaptic vesicles in vivo. J Biol Chem 285(10):6867-78. link
Torday JS, Rehan VK. Cell-cell signaling drives the evolution of complex traits: introduction-lung evo-devo. Integr Comp Biol. 2009 Aug;49(2):142-54. doi:10.1093/icb/icp017. Epub 2009 May 11. PubMed PMID: 20607136; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2895351. link
Torday JS, Rehan VK. Lung evolution as a cipher for physiology. Physiol Genomics. 2009 Jun 10;38(1):1-6. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.90411.2008. Epub 2009 Apr 14. Review. PubMed PMID: 19366785; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2696147. link
Torday JS, Ihida-Stansbury K, Rehan VK. Leptin stimulates Xenopus lung development: evolution in a dish. Evol Dev. 2009 Mar-Apr;11(2):219-24. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-142X.2009.00321.x. PubMed PMID: 19245552. link
Torday JS, Rehan VK. The Evolution of Cell Communication: the road not taken. Cell Communication insights. 2009:2 17-25
Bonneaud, C, Sepil, I., Milá, B., Buermann, W., Pollinger, J., Sehgal, R. N. M., Valki_nas, G., Iezhova, T. A., Saatchi, S. and Smith, T. B. (2009) The prevalence of avian Plasmodium is higher in undisturbed tropical forests of Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology 25(4):439-44. link
Chasar, A., Loiseau, C., Valki_nas, G., Iezhova, T., Smith, T. B., and Sehgal, R. N. M. (2009) Prevalence and diversity patterns of avian blood parasites in degraded African rainforest habitats. Molecular Ecology 18(19):4121-4133. link
Valki_nas G., Iezhova, T. A., Loiseau, C., Chasar, A., Smith, T. B., and Sehgal, R. N. M. (2009) New malaria parasites of the subgenus Novyella in African rainforest birds, with remarks on their high prevalence, classification and diagnostics. Parasitology Research 104(5):1061-1077. link
Mosharov, E. V., Larsen, K. E., Kanter, E., Phillips, K. A., Wilson, K., Schmitz, Y., Krantz, D. E., Kobayashi, K., Edwards, R. H., and Sulzer, D. (2009) Interplay between cytosolic dopamine, calcium, and alpha-synuclein causes selective death of substantia nigra neurons. Neuron 62(2):218-29. link
Lloyd-Smith, J. O., George, D., Pepin, K.M., Pitzer, V.E., Pulliam, J., Dobson, A.P., Hudson, P.J., and Grenfell, B.T. (2009) Epidemic dynamics at the human-animal interface. Science 326(5958):1362-1367. link
Simon, A. F., Daniels, R., Romero-Calderón, R., Grygoruk, A., Chang, H. Y., Najibi, R., Shamouelian, D., Salazar, E., Solomon, M., Ackerson, L. C., Maidment, N. T., Diantonio, A., and Krantz, D. E. (2009) Drosophila vesicular monoamine transporter mutants can adapt to reduced or eliminated vesicular stores of dopamine and serotonin. Genetics 181(2):525-41. link
Njabo, K. Y., Cornel, A. J., Sehgal, R. N. M., Loiseau, C., Buermann, W., Harrigan, R. J., Pollinger, J., Valki_nas, G., and Smith, T. B. (2009) Coquillettidia (Culicidae, Diptera) mosquitoes as new natural vectors of avian malaria in Africa. Malaria Journal 8:193. link
Torday JS, Rehan VK. Exploiting cellular-developmental evolution as the scientific basis for preventive medicine. Med Hypotheses. 2009 May;72(5):596-602.
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Leising, K. J., Garlick, D., Parenteau, M., and Blaisdell, A. P. (2009) Behavioral research in pigeons with ARENA: An automated remote environmental navigation apparatus. Behavioural Processes 81(1):105-113. link
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