Professor, UCLA Neurology, Human Genetics, Neuropsychiatry
Tools and Techniques: Functional genomics, cell culture, mouse models, biochemistry, molecular biology, microscopy, Next generation sequencing.
Website: http://geschwindlab.neurology.ucla.edu/
Email: dhg@ucla.edu
Phone: (310) 794-6570
Interests: Human brain evolution; Systems biology
Personal Statement:
My laboratory integrates genetics and genomics with basic neurobiology to develop a mechanistic understanding of disease pathophysiology based on genetic findings. The ultimate goal is to develop new therapies for diseases such as autism, ataxia and dementia. We also perform basic comparative investigations of human brain evolution with other primates to provide key context for understanding the genetic and structural basis of human higher cognitive functions, such as language. One key aspect of our effort has been the application of functional genomics to complex CNS disease, as well as the development and application of new analytic methods that elucidate the underlying network organization in multi-dimensional data, permitting integration of genomic and genetic data with phenotype data on a large scale.