Distinguished Professor of Medicine & Physiology; Chief of Cardiology; Director, Cardiovascular Research Laboratory
Tools and Techniques: molecular, cellular, tissue electrophysiological and fluorescent imaging techniques, molecular biology, nonlinear dynamics, network theory, computer simulation
Website: http://www.cardiology.med.ucla.edu/faculty/weiss.htm/
Email: jweiss@mednet.ucla.edu
Interests: Systems biology, cardiac arrhythmias/physiology/metabolism/genetics, nonlinear dynamics, computer simulation
Personal Statement:
I am a clinical cardiologist and physician-scientist whose research focuses on the biology of cardiac arrhythmias and ischemia (heart attacks), which we study using a system biology approach integrating experimental and mathematical biology. We study the mechanisms of sudden cardiac death due to ventricular fibrillation, the mechanisms of cell death during cardiac ischemia, and the genetic factors predisposing the heart to these disease conditions. Our goal is to understand how novel properties emerge from the interactions between the parts, from genes to proteins to molecules to organelles to cells to tissue to organisms to populations, and to define how these relationships are related to cardiovascular disease.